
Mutated Monsters: Evolve your 5th edition campaign

Created by Dice Dungeons

Upgrade and enhance your Dungeons and Dragons 5e Monsters with this book of legendary creatures and mutation decks.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Major Update: Rough Draft of the Book and 3rd Deck!!!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Sep 02, 2022 at 01:24:06 AM

Hi Backers! 

The book is ready for preview!

We are sorry for the delayed update; it was a choice between working on the book and working on updates, and we chose the book. However, the good news is that we are ready to share the first draft of the mutated monster book with you all, as well as the "Mad Science" deck! If you pledged for a digital or physical copy of the book or deck, you should be able to find your draft copy in your backerkit pledge manager. If you can't find it please e-mail us [email protected] or shoot us a message on Discord and we will send you your draft copy.  If you have trouble finding your pledge, you can recover it directly on backerkit here:

Some notes on the book draft:

  • This is a rough draft. Monsters are already under revision: this does not represent the completed final product. We are releasing it for feedback and to give you a peek at the book.  
  • That being said please send us any and all feedback that you have: spelling errors, creature balance, etc. The more we hear from you, the better our revisions will be. We'd love if you gave us feedback over on the discord, so we can keep it all together. 
  •  There is some content not provided in this version, as it is still being reworked. 
  • The final layout of the book and its contents will change. 

We are very excited to share this with you, it is our first big publication, and we are proud to be the primary authors of this book. 

Other updates

We are still working on other aspects of the project concurrently: the molds for the miniatures have been made, and we are planning on doing a small pre-production run in the next few weeks to make sure the molds produce quality minis. Our test print of the book and the decks is complete, and we are very satisfied with the quality of those tests. 

That's all for now; we will keep you updated as more pieces of this project come together, and one last request to please send us your feedback on the book and decks! 

Happy Adventuring! 

John and Jarrett 

- The Dice Dungeons Team

Draft Deck #2 (Magical Monstrosities) and Book Layout in Progress!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 06, 2022 at 09:26:26 PM

Hi Everyone! 

Here is your periodic update on Mutated Monsters. 

Thank you for the feedback on the first deck

Firstly, A HUGE THANK YOU to all the backers who provided feedback on the first deck, it was extremely helpful and is letting us make a better finished product for all of you. Now that we've collected and collated that feedback, we are ready to release deck #2!

Magical Monstrosities Rough Draft 

We are releasing the 2nd deck for backers review, it will be sent all backers who pledged for this deck. You can download it from your backerkit account, same as last time. If you pledged for or added on the deck, but don't receive a draft and want one, please reach out to us at [email protected] or shoot us a message on our Discord, and we'll send it to you directly. 

Book Layout

We are in the process of laying out all the monsters and other content in the book! We hope to have a rough draft to you soon! 

That's all for now, we'll post more as we continue to progress towards the finish line on this project. 

Happy adventuring! 

John and Jarrett 

The Dice Dungeons Team 

Big Update: First Deck Released for Proofing! Also last chance to fill out your pledge/Charging Cards.
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 26, 2022 at 05:47:17 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

April Update: All Production on Schedule
almost 3 years ago – Sun, May 01, 2022 at 12:00:21 AM

Hi everyone! Here is your April update for Mutated Monsters.

In case you missed it, we released a couple of previews over on the Discord that we’ve been working this month, we’ve included them below. If you want to join the Discord for more frequent updates, you can join here:

Release of Draft Content

We are reaching a point where the book is starting to come together, and we are planning on releasing some draft chapters and monsters to all backers who backed for the book, so you can give us any feedback and help us correct any errors you might see. Allowing you to preview the book helps with the editorial process and providing the best possible final product to you. Plus it gives you an early glimpse into the book! More details will be forthcoming in one of the next updates.

Saber Tooth Rhino:

Meet one of the new mounts available in mutated monsters, the Ceratothi. These saber toothed rhinos are vicious and loyal to one rider for their entire life (or the life of their rider).  Check out the preview PDF.

Paragon Doppelganger

This is a rough draft monster in development.

Paragon doppelgangers are creatures that have perfected their skills of imitation. They are so good, in fact, that they become an “ideal” version of their target: using their ability to read thoughts, they learn the desires of that creature, such as a desire to be taller, or more fit, or have a straighter nose, then incorporate those changes into their new form. Paragon doppelgangers thrive in large narcissistic societies, especially those focused on outer beauty. They will often cultivate an entourage of admirers and protectors around them, making them difficult to expose. Others often believe that the paragon doppelganger is the “true” or “real” version of a person, even if the original person turns up. Their abilities are so powerful, they can sometimes appear in public with the true-counterpart, and convince others that the real person is, in fact, a doppelganger.

Paragon Doppelganger by our artist Brendan

New Kickstarter Coming Soon!

We also wanted to share an early look into new campaign we are just about launch! The dice production side of our team have been hard at work making a new line of dice: a set for every 5th edition class that we are calling Arsenal Dice.  After over a year in design in production these dice are finally ready to launch.

Will this affect the production of Mutated Monsters? No. We want to reassure you all that this additional campaign will not affect any production timeline of this project: Mutated Monsters is still our highest priority. The Arsenal Dice are being handled by a separate group of Dice Dungeons' team members, and have already been in development since before Mutated Monsters. If you are interested in following the campaign, you can check it out through the image link below. 

Signup for Notifications Today!

That’s all for now, stay safe out there adventurers!

John and Jarrett

The Dice Dungeons Team

March Update: Sample Book Printed, New Art Preview
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 01:50:10 AM

Hi Everyone,

We've been heads down and busy working the past few weeks making art and writing copy, but we are excited to post some big progress updates today! 

Project Completion: On Track. 

We wanted to start by saying that overall we are on track for our end of the year delivery and even found ourselves ahead of several milestones including the production of most the add-ons, which is always great news. The first draft of the book is coming along well, and the card deck rough drafts are finished, and are going through technical revision (5e rule-compliant re-wording and minor reformatting). 

Book Test Print: Complete! 

One of our most exciting updates we get to share today is the test print of the book is finished! We've been screening and selecting a printer for the books and deck since October, and we've now selected our printer, finalized the contact, and had a sample print of the book made. This first test lets us get a real world feel for the sizing and paper quality before we move into mass production. Check out the pictures below! 

Production Test

Art Samples

This week our artist Brendan finished production on a series of new monsters: the Dual-Form Elementals. These dangerous creatures arise from the coalescence of multiple elements to form deadlier threats than their single-element counterparts.   From steam blast attacks to ice armor defenses, they are sure to be a game changer when visiting the elemental planes.

New Dual-Form Elementals


Our surveys are now over 90% complete which allows us to project all quantities needed for full production. We still have everything open; so if you need to make any changes you are free to do so.

We have heard from several of you on the shipping front and we want to assure you we are continuing to monitor the rates.  With the rising cost of fuel, and several other global factors, shipping costs are at an all time high.  If you have questions about your specific pledge please email us at [email protected] so we can address it directly.  

Join Us on Discord

To create a place for us to show sample art, quality test new monsters, and more directly communicate with you all, we've made a discord! We hope you'll join us in building a great community, and share all those good good DnD Memes! Please feel free to invite anyone who might be interested in our projects.

Thanks so much for backing the campaign, we are thrilled with progress so far and we can't wait to begin sending testing materials your way.

John and Jarrett

- The Dice Dungeons Team